Nov 2008

Bird droppings and Ramen Soup for Spa Treatment?

Posted by: Wendy
filed under: Miscellaneous


When I was logging into MSN Messenger tonight, I just noticed an no what is cytotec prescription cialis article that was featured in MSN Live. Usually I did not bother clicking on them, but this one caught my attention. The headline reads: 11 of the Weirdest Spa Treatments Ever.

Can you believe that one of the treatment involves dabbing your face with kamagra to buy bird shit?? Okie, it was “sanitized bird droppings” but I don’t think I like the idea of putting something that just came out from the butt of a bird onto my face, or anywhere on my body to be exact. I hate bird droppings, especially when they drop all over my car window and make my car looks like a big mess. I would want to get away as far from it as possible, not pay $115 to have it on my face.

Second weirdest out of the 11 involves making spa treatment using ramen soup. Seriously, the person who manages to promote and make this treatment big ought to be given an award in marketing. I remember someone told me once, “If you are a good marketer, you can sell anything to anyone, anywhere.” This Cheap Levitra is the epitome of marketing success…to be able to convince people buy phentermine that you need to go all the way to a spa treatment centre and pay admission fee just so that you can soak yourself in a tub filled with soggy noodles and ramen soup complete where to buy generic propecia with garlic extracts as well.

I refused to pay money to smell like garlic and ramen soup after a bath.

On another hand, I just got back from my friend’s wedding which was held yesterday. Pictures and blog entry about it to follow soon :) (I’m currently waiting for Rin to upload the pictures to the gallery)



5 comments to date:


  1. Lol.. ramen soup spa… I hope you don’t take the treatment when you’re hungry. Else, you’ll probably finish the ramen when you take the treatment. lol


  2. Okay, ramen soup spa isn’t too bad. But bird shit? Negative. I don’t care if it’s sanitized!

    Nat Marie

  3. @Horizon: Remember that there are other people inside the pool or bowl of ramen soup (they designed the bathtub to look like a ramen bowl) with you as well. So if you eat the noodles…that’s so gross that I don’t even want to think about it.

    Apparently the spa centre also have spa treatment involving curry dip, green tea and coffee!

    @Nat Marie: Yea, my sentiments indeed. They also have bull sperm to be used as hair lotion.

    It’s all going back to nature. I am not sure if it is for the better or worse.


  4. Ramen noodle soup? Are they hoping the collagen will somehow ‘osmosize’ into your skin? I think drinking the soup is a better way to get at the collagen, not soaking in it. As for bird shit, the less said the better, I’m still traumatised by that civic cat poop coffee thing.


  5. This post looks quite interesting and I am more excited about this spa bats. Greater part goes to those who opt for this kind of treatment.

    Toronto Spa


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