Jan 2009

Delete 10 friends in your Facebook and get a FREE Whopper!

Posted by: Wendy
filed under: Food &Miscellaneous &Web
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Do you want a free Whopper from Burger King? Do you feel that you have too many friends in your Facebook, some of them who has just added you for the sake of increasing his/her number of friends in this social network?

If you answer yes to both questions, you are in luck. Just install buy kamagra soft cheapest propecia Whopper Sacrifice, a new marketing strategy by Burger King which tapped into the popularity of this social platform by encouraging you to delete 10 of your friends in your Facebook in exchange for a coupon for a free hamburger. Do think wisely before you do it though…because this activity is going to show up in the news feed for the person you have deleted.

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Are you up for the challenge? :P


Meh, I felt cheated. I just deleted 10 (unfortunate) people from my Facebook account only Cheap Levitra Super Active+ to be told at the end that this marketing campaign is only valid for residents in U.S and Columbia. If that’s the case, then why do they bother letting people from all over the world to download the application? They should just restrict the download to people from United States and its surrounding online amoxil islands. So let me warn you beforehand: If you are not residing in United States at the moment, buy cytotec online don’t waste your time on this marketing gimmick.

To those people who receive the notification that I have just deleted you, please know that it is all purely experimental. If you are not too angry with me, do feel free to add me back :oops:

To make myself feel better, maybe I should go and treat myself to a Whopper later.



17 comments to date:


  1. OMG I am sooo doing this.

    Can you re-add the friends afterwards? :P


  2. wuah, i should have not delete the people yet xD so many ppl i want to delete


  3. I think you can…as long as your friends still approved your request :P


  4. I believe this promo doesn’t apply in Singapore or Malaysia.


  5. Is this real?? Interesting … I could try it..


  6. *stares* And um… if you DO delete it, how does Burger King know to give you free food? Lucky me, there’s no Burger King in my city… not that I ever wanted to delete friends ;)


  7. @Vera: you install an app for it on your Facebook profile :P

    I checked (I would have actually done it) but it’s only for the U.S. :(


  8. Well, I think it’s a rather stupid campaign. Of course everyone has people as friends on FB just for the sake of it, so I could easily have deleted those. Anyway, I think it’s silly to make people do something like this for a burger.


  9. Hahaha!

    That has to be one of the funniest gimmicks I’ve ever seen. People on FB will just think you’re poor and desperate for a burger or something. XD

    I can’t do it anyway because I live in the UK.

    PS.Thanks for wishing me luck in my exams! :)


  10. “o think wisely before you do it though…because this activity is going to show up in the news feed for the person you have deleted.”

    LMAO!! I can just imagine the re-adding process afterwards… “Please take me baaaaaaaaaack!!” XD I could definitely go for a Whopper now, though *drools*


  11. That’s quite interesting. I won’t participate though. I don’t go to fast food joints much, and I rarely use facebook. I don’t even have many friends on it so deleting 10 people would be a lot for me. :P If it was for myspace, that would be something different.


  12. Completely OT, but congrats on your showing in the Blogger Awards! For a new blog that’s purely personal and not corporate, I think that’s pretty impressive.

    Next year FTW!


  13. Yeah thats just ridiculous. I think they did it just to see how desperate people were for a free burger.


  14. I think I’d be inclined to contact my best friends and tell them everything, people I know better therefore easier to tell and they’d hopefully understand. Though the problem would be if they want to do the same to me they wouldn’t be able to, unless it worked both ways.

    It’s a bit of a crazy idea though. Friends versus take-aways… They most definitely should’ve said it was for USA only.


  15. @Tracy: Yes, it is real…if you live in US or Columbia.

    @Alicia: Thanks :) It was great fun to join in.

    @Samantha: I guess you can say I am desperate for free burger then :P


  16. That is awesome!!!

    Am I the type of person to sacrifice at least ten “friends” for a whopper? Yes!


  17. dead_cockroach


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