Posted by: Rin
filed under: Games &Music
Tags: Games, Music, recordings
This is a repost from the now defunct vaultofmemories blog (my old blog). I seldom blog much previously and this is probably one of the few brand name propecia online posts which I will like to keep as my old blog is taken down. Nevertheless, here is the post.
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The original midi song from Harvest Moon : Back to Nature (Boy & Girl is PSP version). It’s the theme song of Elli, one of the 5girls whom the protagonist is supposed to chase and marry.
Really like the song alot, so I spent some time playing by ear :3
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This piece is recorded with Audacity with my Yamaha EL-87 hooked up to my computer.
This song is in C-major and it keeps looping on 16bars….. (it’s created as a music loop)
After playing the song a few times on my electone, I somehow got the idea to arrange this song to a much ‘fuller’ version, a version which can lyrics to it and be sung and played :3
So there cheap cytotec online I go… the original song is 16bars and I’ll be using the common A,A’,B,A,A’,B,B (each letter refers to a music stanza group and ‘B’ is the chorus) style which alot of modern songs are based on. The first 8bars of the original amoxicillin dosage song is similar to the A’ stanza group, so I need to create the A stanza group. The first 2 verses of the original song will be repeated and used as a basis to create the remaining Generic Levitra Professional Online Pharmacy | Buy Levitra Professional | Cheap Levitra Professional | Order Generic Levitra Professional Online without Prescription 2 verses to complete the stanza.
Next is the chorus, from the original song is the remaining 8 bars to be used as chorus… which is 2 verses, hardly enough for a traditional chorus. So I used the 1st verse and recreate rest of the 3verses to fit into the chorus stanza group.
After few hours of playing and changes, here is the arranged buy kamagra soft version of Elli’s Theme :3
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This piece is recorded cialis online order with Audacity with my Yamaha EL-87 hooked up to my computer.
hey i wud love to download ur version and i really love it.where can i download it? pls email me..
February 2nd, 2009, 6:33 am
can u send this midi to me??
many thanks !!
i really wan to collection it!!
thanks you very much
Elli Fans
April 28th, 2009, 3:40 am
i love all song in HM..can u send in my email?
May 3rd, 2009, 12:58 pm
I loved this songs!!!!
May 12th, 2009, 11:59 am