Posted by: Rin
filed under: Miscellaneous &Web
Tags: Web
Yay, managed to survive it’s first month. It has been really a beautiful month, we have seen some really fantastic readings on our google analystics. Thank you all for supporting us.
I am sure that Buy cheap Cytotec online Without Prescription – Online Drugstore many of the readers have amoxil cheap comments and suggestions with regards to our site. Please do post if you feel that there are things which you would like to see us improve on. We appreciate all kinds of comments and suggestions, besides spam and hate-mails. haha
A couple of new site updates:
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Cheers to our first month anniversary! =D
May there be more months to come
November 20th, 2008, 11:09 am
Congrats on your anniversary. I actually stumbled upon this page and I have to say I love the layout. In fact, I had this dual blogging idea for a while now (albeit for a different purpose) but was always too busy with work to do the coding required. Now I am inspired to get it done, will let you know if I succeed by the Dec 17 deadline.
November 21st, 2008, 4:37 am