Posted by: Rin
filed under: Web
Tags: web design
Finally after cytotec no prescription 2 weeks of working on buy cheap generic propecia the Generic Levitra Professional Online Pharmacy site. This site template is finally completed order cialis online (probably lolx).
Newest addition to the site are the links page and the 404 error page (example). buy amoxicillin So what’s left kamagra sildenafil citrate undone?
Any other suggestions on how to improve the website? I still feel that something is missing but I can’t grasp what it is… probably the tags… hmm.
I think that the layout is perfect! Seriously. It grabs people’s attention quickly, and it’s really creative.
I’m not really good with coding, so I can’t help.
I don’t think that anything is missing, though. :]
November 18th, 2008, 3:05 am