Posted by: Wendy
filed under: One-Liners
Tags: One-Liners, thoughts
I’m reminded of what one of my friends said during what where to buy generic propecia is cytotec buy phentermine one of our discussions about marriage.
Do not marry kamagra to buy a man because of his current worth. Rather, marry him for his potential.
Do purchase generic cialis Buy Levitra you think that’s true?
I’ve married my husband because of his sense of humor, his personality, cause he’s funny and his looks. I don’t give a damn about his worth if it’s about finances.
I don’t believe you can change a person. They’ll eventually change if they set to do so, so bottom line, I don’t think that phrase is true.
January 4th, 2009, 1:25 am
Unfortunately I’m still finding the potential in the hubby. But I agree, you should never marry a man because of his current worth, because that is always a variable that can change. Whereas if you invest in something more deeper like his personality, his values, morals, etc, then you would find more happiness and joy.
January 4th, 2009, 3:10 am
I totally can’t think about marriage right now. It’s just so far down from my priorities in life. But I did get into a serious relationship with my current boyfriend because of his potential. So far he hasn’t lived up to his full potential yet.
January 4th, 2009, 4:41 pm
But what if he doesn’t live up to his potential?
I think I can understand where this quote is coming from — for example, if you find a poor student you really like, he has the potential to be financially stable once he gets a job, but… you never know
January 5th, 2009, 10:33 am
Best thing to do is not marry anyone at all! Bwahha… I am way too anti-marriage.
January 5th, 2009, 1:53 pm
By worth, do you mean money or something else?
Either way, I disagree. First off, I don’t think a person’s financial worth is at all a part of my standards for who I want to marry (not that I have any set standards) and secondly, I think you shouldn’t expect people to change. Yes, there’s a great chance that they WILL change but you should love/marry someone for who they are and now who they could be. But anyway, I’m not thinking of marriage at all right now.
January 5th, 2009, 2:09 pm
I don’t think this quote has to do with money. I interpret it as saying that you should marry a guy not for who they currently are, but for who they can become. I agree with Felisa, Regine and Krystal. First of all, you can’t expect to change a person. That perspective will pretty much always be a disappointment, and it seems to be one of the common causes of break-ups and divorces. I heard some quote somewhere that said, “Men marry women, thinking that they will never change. And women marry men, thinking that they will change.”
Second of all, marriage is generally not even worth it, in my opinion. Unless you’re getting married because of your religious beliefs. If you want to be committed, just be committed. The end. No frills. No hassle. (But I digress…
January 6th, 2009, 12:37 am
To clarify, I think my friend meant the guy’s financial worth when she was talking about this. She also mentioned how she sees her future husband as an investment and who would want to invest in a stock which doesn’t have a future and potential?
I admit it is a very materialistic way to look at things and some of you brought pretty good points about not wanting to change the guy. When I marry my husband, I know that I am willing to accept him as he is, but to be realistic about it, I also know that he has potential to make it bigger in life and has been encouraging him to go after his dream. I believe that behind every great man there is a woman, and it is she who is the source of encouragement to propel him to become the greater man he is able to be
January 6th, 2009, 12:54 am
I don’t think you should look at a man’s current worth but then again in this day and age… love alone cannot sustain a relationship.. i have been there. If the man right now is stable and has a goal to succeed in life by all means but if he has the personality and if he has the means to make something of his life but choose not to then what good does a good sense of humour or romantic etc even means anything. Personally i think not to sound materialistic but with all other important aspects eg kind, caring, loving affectionate i think they need to be hard working and have a goal in life
January 26th, 2009, 2:10 pm
I am seriously dating a man who is disabled due to a motor falling on his back four years ago. He is “Mr Perfect for me” in so many ways, treats me like an absolute queen,gentle, and sweet, down-to-earth, good personality, loves children (i am a single mom to a little 7 year old boy) but I truly get scared as I feel like he cannot truly support a family as he makes so very little on disability. It puts a lot of pressure on me to think that I would have to the bread-winner, so to speak, if we get married. I am truly struggling wiht this one….
March 9th, 2009, 1:42 am