Posted by: Rin
filed under: Miscellaneous &Web
Tags: Food, Web
Gallery section is up running @ YAY for one :3 Over the next few days, me and Wendy will be posting more photo albums. Do check back regularly for more updates. A glimpse of the 1st gallery to be up Linky to Album here.
Posted by: Rin
filed under: Web
Tags: script, web design
After a whooping straight 16hours of scripting yesterday and a few hours this morning, I’ve finally finish up the base theme for . A tedious task, but nevertheless worth the amount of time and effort put in. Hehe I kept the original “Welcome to WordPress!” post to remind myself of the date this domain [...]
Posted by: Wendy
filed under: Miscellaneous
Tags: rantings
Has been sick for the past few weeks. First sandfly bites that cause my legs to swell and itch, then immediately after that I am plagued with a flu which wouldn’t recover until today. In fact, it got worse today that I was forced to not go to my classes but head to the clinic [...]