Posted by: Rin
filed under: Miscellaneous &Web
Tags: rantings, thoughts, web design
Just came back from meeting with a potential lead. The encounter had set me thinking. Throughout all these years of creative dabbling, I am being molded into a designer whose specialisation and focus is not on design. I strive on functionality and front-end development rather than dabble with brushes and image editing tools. Back to [...]
Posted by: Rin
filed under: Lifestyle &Miscellaneous
Tags: rantings, thoughts
I swear by it.
Posted by: Rin
filed under: Miscellaneous &Web
Tags: rantings, Web
There is a couple of new upgrades for, mainly how the comments are presented and a new guestbook section for the website. These couple of days I’m suffering from a design block, probably too tired over all the recent incidents. Coupled with the lack of sleep over the past few weeks and stress coming [...]
Posted by: Wendy
filed under: Miscellaneous
Tags: rantings
Has been sick for the past few weeks. First sandfly bites that cause my legs to swell and itch, then immediately after that I am plagued with a flu which wouldn’t recover until today. In fact, it got worse today that I was forced to not go to my classes but head to the clinic [...]