No posts by Rin.

Detailing the day to day happenings of the two.

(Arguments not included)


Dec 2008

Posted by: Wendy
filed under: Chit Chat

There is nothing more important than to be able to manage your finances well. You can be the richest man in the world but if you spend your money like water and as if there is no tomorrow, you might be looking at an empty wallet or purse soon. One mistake that most people make [...]


Dec 2008

Posted by: Wendy
filed under: One-Liners
Tags: ,

The incident of having ripped off by an unscrupulous person has prompted me to post this quote of the day: Be careful what you wish for; sometimes they might just come true. Before, I had wished for Rin-Wendy to become popular and read by thousands of people per day. But little did I know [...]


Dec 2008

Posted by: Wendy
filed under: One-Liners
Tags: ,

This is something that leaps to my mind after reading a post by Mimi and also after thinking about why I started to blog again after a hiatus of 2 years. For those who are unaware, I used to keep a blog in Xanga. Those of you who are interested to see how I wrote [...]


Dec 2008

Posted by: Wendy
filed under: One-Liners
Tags: ,

I have reached Malaysia safely, and am currently checking my mails and commenting in blogs in a cyber cafe. The kind you have to pay $1.20 per hour for. All because my house has no internet connection and I’m desperate to be connected to the rest of the world. Hence this triggers the quote of [...]


Dec 2008

Posted by: Wendy
filed under: One-Liners
Tags: ,

To quote from my hubby: Little girls will grow into women while little boys will grow into bigger boys who need bigger toys. Agree? Just a little idea when you are doing your Christmas shopping for a guy P/S: I won’t be around the Internet much for the whole next week, so most of my [...]


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