Posted by: Rin
filed under: Web
Tags: web design
I stumbled upon the competition held by WP WebHost while surfing blogs. After some coaxing by my friends and Wendy, I’ve decided that I’ll participate in this competition.
Posted by: Rin
filed under: Miscellaneous &Web
Tags: rantings, Web
There is a couple of new upgrades for, mainly how the comments are presented and a new guestbook section for the website. These couple of days I’m suffering from a design block, probably too tired over all the recent incidents. Coupled with the lack of sleep over the past few weeks and stress coming [...]
Posted by: Rin
filed under: Marriage
Tags: marriage planning, proposal, wedding
Marrying someone you love nowadays isn’t as simple as saying “I do” as many of us might think. To those who are still in dreamland, wake up zomg. The price that comes with marriage is quite hefty, especially When your ethic group is Chinese, and you are staying in the sunny island of Singapore.
Posted by: Rin
filed under: Lifestyle
Tags: thoughts
I am sure that all of us sometime or another, need a quiet place without outside interferences, to sit down alone and think. Be it making important life decisions, planning long term goals or reflecting on past actions, where is this little haven we go to?
Posted by: Rin
filed under: Games
Tags: videos
I was sorting out my files in my computer and I came across these gems. These are the game videos for games which I played previously on my computer a couple of years back. Very surprised that they are still in my harddisk after like…. 3-4 reformat attempts? Lol…really speaks on how I keep my [...]
Posted by: Wendy
filed under: Miscellaneous
Tags: rantings
Today, while I was taking the MRT (for those of you who are not in Singapore, MRT stands for Mass Rapid Transit. It is similar to subway trains except that MRT isn’t always limited to just running underground.) I got this idea to write about things that irritate me while I am using the public [...]
Posted by: Wendy
filed under: Miscellaneous
Tags: Interesting Sites
I love Google Analytics. It is a program that allows you to track the visitors as well as the traffic sources. Sort of like a tracking program, and best of all, it is dependable and free. More props for Google for coming up with better and better stuff over the years. I admit that I [...]
Posted by: Wendy
filed under: Miscellaneous
When I was logging into MSN Messenger tonight, I just noticed an article that was featured in MSN Live. Usually I did not bother clicking on them, but this one caught my attention. The headline reads: 11 of the Weirdest Spa Treatments Ever. Can you believe that one of the treatment involves dabbing your face [...]
Posted by: Wendy
filed under: Games &tug-o-war
Tags: Games
First of all, I am definitely not a gamer myself. So this is purely my opinion based on my own experience and also based on what I have heard from others who are acquainted with a no-life gaming addict in some way or another. The amount of games I have played can be counted with [...]
Posted by: Wendy
filed under: Lifestyle &Miscellaneous
Tags: Manicure/Pedicure
Went for another manicure/pedicure session with Shirley this morning! This time I asked for a “bolder” design as I will be attending a dinner this weekend. And I was very particular with the colour this time round, cos it has to match the colour of my top: dark blue. I decided to ask her to [...]