Posted by: Rin
filed under: Miscellaneous &Web
Tags: Web
Yay, managed to survive it’s first month. It has been really a beautiful month, we have seen some really fantastic readings on our google analystics. Thank you all for supporting us.
Posted by: Rin
filed under: Marriage
Tags: HDB, marriage planning
Many do not know that the cost of a dwelling is that much until they are about to buy it. This is what is happening to me. Very ignorant and naive I might say, but it is of the past now. My eyes are opened wide now. This post talks about getting a roof above us in the Sunny (rainy at times) island of Singapore.
Posted by: Rin
filed under: Miscellaneous &Web
Tags: web design
Stumbled upon the Weblog Awards and decided to give it a try. We will be participating in 4 categories, namely [...]
Posted by: Rin
filed under: Miscellaneous &Web
Tags: Web
3 new galleries added to our Gallery section. Check them out!
Posted by: Rin
filed under: Games &tug-o-war
Tags: Games
Ok, I admit. I am a born gamer. I started gaming at the age of 3 when my father bought me my first console system, the Atari. It was quickly followed by a Sega MegaDrive, Sega Game Gear, Super NES, Gameboy, Playstation 1, NeoGeo Pocket, NeoGeo Pocket Color, Playstation 2 and recently Playstation 3. I [...]
Posted by: Wendy
filed under: Books &Lifestyle &Miscellaneous
Tags: Dating, Jokes
I have thought that pick-up lines are so corny that one day if a guy said it to me, I would probably burst out laughing. Nevertheless, I do like reading them to get my daily doses of giggles. Pick up lines for me, are more joke materials than anything else. Of course use wisely they [...]
Posted by: Wendy
filed under: Miscellaneous
Tags: rantings
This is such a bummer that I have to write about it, no matter how trivial it sounds. So bear with me. After washing it, I put out a pair of jeans to dry on the clothing line outside my room (I stay in a hostel). Then I went to take an afternoon nap for [...]
Posted by: Wendy
filed under: tug-o-war
Tags: social commentaries, thoughts, tug-o-war
I have always been in love with both the Chinese and the English language. Although I can’t read and write Chinese characters yet, I do appreciate the beauty of it and am in the process of learning. I am a big fan of Chinese songs and am especially amazed at how apt, concise and poetic [...]
Posted by: Wendy
filed under: tug-o-war
Tags: thoughts, tug-o-war
Just to make it clear first, I am not totally against procrastination. I am not as purrfect as that However, I do take pride in knowing that I will try not to leave things until the very last minute before I take care of them. I am someone who likes to plan ahead and I [...]
Posted by: Wendy
filed under: Miscellaneous
Tags: rantings
There is this culture among the Asians which has irked me for quite some time: the mindset that whatever the older generation does, it is always right. They can come up with the most unreasonable demands and show the most outrageous behavior, yet us as the younger ones are supposed to tolerate them without a [...]